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Full Spectrum Sauna

Did you know that Infrared is a type of red light energy that we perceive as heat and is completely safe? Its heat waves penetrate our body, raising our core temperature and causing us to sweat. Sweating is a natural way to detoxify our body, eliminating toxins, including heavy metals. That's why many studies have shown that Sauna Therapy can be incredibly beneficial to our health.


So, what are the advantages of Full Spectrum Sauna Therapy? Firstly, it's been proven to help reduce inflammation and pain. Infrared saunas can penetrate deep into our tissues, making it an effective treatment for chronic pain and conditions like arthritis. It's also great for improving cardiovascular health and reducing high blood pressure.


Another benefit of Infrared Sauna Therapy is that it can help with weight loss. Regular use of the sauna can boost our circulation, which can result in burning calories and losing weight. During a high-temperature session, our heart rate can reach as high as 150 bpm, which requires a calorie burn and commitment.


Lastly, Infrared Sauna Therapy can also be an excellent way to relieve stress and promote better sleep. It activates our parasympathetic nervous system, helping us to relax and unwind.

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